TopLectures and ReadingsAssignments, Projects and Grading

Assignments, Projects and Grading

Most of the programming assignments for the course will be components of the construction of a compiler for a specially designed programming language. In addition, there will be written assignments designed to expose you to aspect of compiler construction not touched on in the main project. Your work on all homeworks and programs must conform to the "Honor Code Guidelines for Computer Science Courses" handout which I will make available. In interpreting these guidelines all the programs in this course should be treated as "homework programs".

There will be a midterm (probably) and a final examination. Final grades will be based on an average obtained by treating homework scores as 15%, project grades as 35%, the midterm as 20% and the final as 30%.

Woolite Project Schedule

Phase Assigned Duration Description
1.1 2/9 12 days Basic Declaration Processing: Type and Variable Declarations
1.2 2/21 7 days Identifier Reference Processing and Type Checking
2.1 3/2 12 days Code Generation for Expressions
2.2 3/14 9 days Code Generation for Control Structures
2.3 3/16 12 days? Code Generation for Methods
??? 4/11 9 days Parser and Scanner Construction
3.1 4/20 12 days Constant Folding
3.2 5/2 10 days Garbage Collection

TopLectures and ReadingsAssignments, Projects and Grading