Final Examination

This is an open book examination. You should complete the examination within two and one half hours. You may consult any texts or notes while completing the examination.

  1. In class, I showed templates for the data-flow equations used to compute LIVE(p) and AVAIL(p) for assignment statements, if statements and while loops. My equations for the if statement only handled if statements with both then and else parts. Most languages treat the if part of an else statement as optional. To handle such if statements, we would need an equation template for a statement of the form:
    < p0 > if exp then < p1 > stmt1 < p2 >

    Please supply such equation templates for the live variable and available expressions problems. Briefly explain your answer.

  2. Consider the grammar:
    S A a   |   b A c   |   d c   |   b d a
    A d
    Build the LR(0) and LR(1) machines for this grammar. Is the grammar LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), and/or LR(1). Briefly justify your answers.
  3. In class, when explaining LALR(1) parsing, I said each state LALR of the LALR(1) machine for a grammar G corresponds to some state1, LR(0) of the LR(0) machine and that the set of LR(1) items associated with each such LALR is described as:
    { [ N 1 . 2 , x ] | for some state LR(1) in the LR(1) machine, [ N 1 . 2 , x ] LR(1) & LR(0) = core( LR(1) ) }

    For this construction to make much sense, two conditions should hold:

    1. For each state, LR(0), of the LR(0) machine there must be some state, LR(1) in the LR(1) machine such that LR(0) = core( LR(1) )
    2. For each state, LR(1), of the LR(1) machine it must be the case that core( LR(1) ) is a state of the LR(0) machine.

    For this problem, I would like you to prove that one of these two conditions does hold. You are free to choose either a or b. Make your argument precise.

    In your proof, you may assume the correctness of the central theorem that justified the correctness of LR(0) parsing (only half of which was actually proven in class):

    Theorem: [N -> 1 . 2 ] ( 0, ) if and only if [ N 1 . 2 ] is valid for .

    You may also assume the correctness of the corresponding theorem about LR(1) machines.

    Theorem: [N -> 1 . 2, a ] ( 0, ) if and only if [ N 1 . 2, a ] is valid for .

    Of course, in the second theorem, "valid" means valid as an LR(1) item.

  4. The following bit of code calculates the GCD of two integers (27 and 81) using "Euclid's Algorithm". Show how this code would look after being converted to static single assignment form.

    x = 27;
    y = 81;
    while x != y do
        if x > y then
            x = x - y
            y = y - x
  • Footnotes

  • Computer Science 434
    Department of Computer Science
    Williams College