Assignments, Projects and GradingTopTextsLectures and Readings

Lectures and Readings

The following is a tentative schedule of lectures with associated readings.

Date Topic Readings

1. 2/2

The Structure of a Compiler.
  • C+T Ch. 1.
  • A+U Ch. 1.
  • AS+U Chs. 1 + 2.

2. 2/7, 2/9

Symbol Table Organization.
  • C+T Ch. 5 ( §5.1-5.4, 5.7 )
  • A+U Ch. 9.
  • AS+U §7.6.

3. 2/14

Run-time Storage Organization.
  • C+T Ch. 6 ( §6.1-6.5 )
  • A+U Ch. 10 (except §10.3).
  • AS+U §7.1-7.4.

4. 2/16

Variable Reference and Type Checking.
  • C+T §4.1, 4.2, 4.4
  • AS+U §6.1-6.4, 8.2.

5. 2/21

Formal Specification of Syntax.
  • C+T §3.1, 3.2
  • A+U Ch. 4.
  • AS+U §4.1-4.3.

6. 2/23, 2/28

Code Generation for Expressions.
  • C+T §7.1 - 7.7
  • A+U §7.1-7.8, 8.1.
  • AS+U §8.1, 8.3, 9.1.

7. 3/2

Code Generation for Control Structures.
  • C+T §7.8
  • A+U §7.9.
  • AS+U §8.4.

8. 3/7, 3/9

An Introduction to Parsing.
  • C+T §3.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.2
  • A+U §5.1, 5.2, 5.4.
  • AS+U §4.4, 4.5.

9. 3/14, 3/16

Working with Lex and Yacc.

10. 4/4, 4/6

Intro. to LR Parsing.
  • A+U §6.1-6.2.
  • AS+U §4.7 (up to p. 227).

11. 4/11

Code Generation for Procedures and Procedure Calls.
  • C+T §7.9, 7.10
  • A+U §8.2.
  • AS+U §8.7.

12. 4/13

More Code Generation & the Correctness of LR(0) parsing
  • A+U §6.3.
  • AS+U §4.7 (pp. 227-230).

13. 4/18

Dynamic Memory Management
  • C+T §6.7
  • F+L §9.3
  • AS+U §7.7-7.8

14. 4/20, 4/25, 4/27

SLR, LR(1) and LALR Parsing.
  • C+T Ch. 9.
  • A+U §6.4, 6.5.
  • AS+U §4.7 (pp. 230 -> ).

15. 4/27, 5/2

Basic Code Improvement Techniques.
  • C+T §8.1 - 8.5
  • A+U Ch. 12.
  • AS+U §10.1-10.3.

16. 5/4, 5/9, 5/11

Analysis for Code Improvement.
  • Briggs, P., K. D. Cooper, , and L.T. Simpson, Value Numbering, Software-Practice and Experience, Vol 27(6), 701-724 (June 1997).

Assignments, Projects and GradingTopTextsLectures and Readings