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Displaying Registers and Memory

register [ register-number [ [ , ] register-number ] ]
memory word-address [ [ , ] word-address ]
The current values stored in memory locations or registers can be displayed using the "register" and "memory" commands. Both of these commands take two arguments specifying the range of values to be displayed. For example, the command
register D0,D4
would cause the debugger to display the values of registers D0 through D4. The second argument may be omitted when issuing either of these commands. In this case the single register or memory cell indicated by the first argument is displayed. When using the register command, both arguments may be omitted in which case the values of all registers will be displayed.

Valid register names include D0 through D7, A0 through A7, SP ( another name for A7), FP (another name for A6) and GP (another name for A5), PC (the program counter), CCR (the condition code register) and PS ( the Processor Status register on the WC34020).

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