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Debugging Facilities

When "wc34000' or "wc34020' begins execution, it does not immediately begin interpreting the instructions in your program. Instead, it first enters its debugging mode. This allows you to set breakpoints, enable tracing or prepare to monitor execution in several other ways. You will be able to recognize that the simulator is in this mode because it displays the prompt "debug:' whenever it enters debugging mode.

Commands to the debugger consist of a command name followed by 0 or more arguments. The debug command processor has been designed to make issuing debugging commands quite easy. Any command name can be abbreviated by its shortest unambiguous prefix (typically the first character of the command name is sufficient). Elements of argument lists can be separated by either blanks or commas. Where appropriate a default action is taken if an argument is omitted. Finally, a help command which provides a brief summary of the commands available has been included. Descriptions of all the debugging commands available are given in the following sections. Each section begins with a brief summary of the syntax of the command or commands described within it. In these summaries command names and literal arguments are displayed in bold face. Optional items are surrounded by square brackets and items that may be repeated zero or more times are surrounded by braces.

  • The Mode Command
  • Controlling Execution
  • Tracing Execution
  • Displaying Registers and Memory
  • The help Command
  • The quit Command
  • The where Command
  • Displaying Variables
  • Traversing the Call Stack

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