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Memory Operands

The following forms are recognized as valid memory operand specifications:
(An) - Address register indirect
-(An) - Address register indirect with predecrement
(An)+ - Address register indirect with postincrement
#constant - Immediate data
label - Absolute addressing
label - Program counter indirect with displacement
label - Address register indirect with displacement
As indicated above, the use of an operand specification of the form
can cause the assembler to generate an instruction using one of three different addressing modes depending on the type of label used. If the label was defined by an EQU directive, the assembler uses absolute addressing. If the label was defined in a GLOBAL directive, the assembler uses address register relative addressing (relative to A5). Finally, if the label was defined by its appearance in the label field of an instruction or an  asciisec, an effective address using program counter relative addressing will be generated. If an identifier defined as a global or as a statement label is used in an operand specification of the form:
the displacement generated will be the same as if the identifier had been used alone.

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