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The GLOBAL directive

The GLOBAL directive replaces the DS directive provided by most 68000 assemblers as the means to allocate storage for global variables. A GLOBAL directive takes the form:
global declaration-list
The declaration list is a list of declarations separated by commas. A declaration is either simply an identifier or an identifier followed by a parenthesized integer constant. Specifying a simple identifier as a declaration in a GLOBAL directive asks the assembler to associate the identifier used with a single word of memory. Specifying an identifier followed by a constant causes the assembler to reserve a number of words equal to the constant's value and associate the identifier with the first word reserved.

For example, the global directive

global a, b, c(10), d
Causes the allocation of a word for each of the names `a', `b' and `d' and the allocation of an array of 10 words for `c'.

More than one global declaration may appear in a program.

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