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STAB type Specifications

The format used for type-strings is designed more for easy digestion by the debugger than for ease of reading. The single letters "I" and "C" are used to specify the types integer and character. A "*" followed by a type string is used to identify a pointer to a value of the type described by the type string. Thus, the type string "*I" would be used for a variable defined as a pointer to an integer. Array types are indicated by two integers in square brackets followed by a type string. The first integer indicates the number of elements in the array. The second integer indicates the size of each value of the element type. The remainder of the type string indicates the type of the array's elements. Thus, "[10,1]*I" would describe an array of 10 integer pointers. Finally, structure and union types are specified by including an integer in curly braces (i.e. "{4}" ). In this case, the integer is interpreted as the number associated with the structure/union type in the STAB-STRUCT directive that describes the type to the debugger.

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