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The SOURCE and STAB Directives

The SOURCE directive and the STAB directive are used to provide information to the assembler about a high-level language source file from which an assembly language file was created. In particular, the C-- compiler for the WC34000 includes SOURCE and STAB directives including enough information to allow the WC34000 debugger to do source-level tracing and to display variables defined in the source program.

The SOURCE directive is very simple. It takes the form

SOURCE line number
Such a directive informs the assembler that all following assembly language instructions up to the next SOURCE directive were generated as the translation of the specified line number in the original source file.

The general form of an STAB directive is:

STAB arguments
The arguments to an STAB are separated by commas.

The STAB directive comes in many varieties. The first argument identifies the type of each STAB directive. The various forms of the STAB directive are described in the following sections.

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