Top Code Generation for ExpressionsOperand Descriptors

Operand Descriptors

  1. In addition to providing a mechanism for communication between high-level code generation routines, the operand descriptor type is an essential component of the interface between the high and low level code-generation modules.

  2. The type used for operand descriptors should be flexible enough to handle several possibilities:

    Since access to values in registers is generally faster than access to memory, we would like the code we generate to keep intermediate results in registers whenever possible.

    memory locations
    Since we will eventually run out of registers, our compiler may have to store some intermediate results in memory. Even if this were not the case, other factors would make it necessary/desirable to have operand descriptors for memory locations.

    • when we process an expression like x+y we would like to produce something like:

      move x,D1
      add y,D1

      rather than

      move x,D1
      move y,D2
      add D2,D1

    • To make this possible, the routine that "generates code" for the sub-expression "y" has to be able to simply return a descriptor for y where it resides in memory without producing any code.

    When processing an expression like x+1 we would like to produce the code:

    move x,D1
    add #1,D1

    rather than

    move x,D1
    move #1,D2
    add D2,D1

Computer Science 434
Department of Computer Science
Williams College

Top Code Generation for ExpressionsOperand Descriptors