Semantic Processing Subphase OrderingTopBlock Structure & Symbol Table Organization (cont.)Declaration Descriptor Contents

Declaration Descriptor Contents

  1. Declaration descriptors are really the most important element of the symbol table. All the other elements are designed to provide an efficient way to find the correct declaration descriptors.
  2. There are a few common elements we will want to include in all declaration descriptors:
  3. Beyond this short list of common elements, the contents will vary from one type of declaration to another:
    Variables and formals
    • For each variable we will want to include a description of its type. As a result, shortly, we will describe yet another type of descriptor, the type descriptor.
    • For code generation, we will eventually need information about the offset to the variable within the heap object or method activation record that contains it. On the WC34000, all data objects require one word, so if we simply count variable declarations and store the current count in each variable's descriptor, this will be sufficient. Note, however, that for instance variables, this count must include all variable's in super classes.
    • We will want to store the method's return type
    • We will want to keep a pointer to a list of the declaration descriptors for the method's formals (this will be needed to type check invocations of the method (among other things)).
    • We will need a count of the number of local variable so that we can tell how much memory to allocate for an frame/activation record when the method is invoked.
    • For code generation, we will build a table of pointers to the code for each of the methods associated with a class. Therefore, like variables, we will want to associate an offset with each method. Again, as with variables, since all data values occupy 1 word on the WC34000, a simple count of this method's position within the list of methods associated with the class will do the job. Note that this count will have to include methods defined in superclasses, but exclude methods that simply override existing methods (since they will not get a new slot in the table but instead reuse the old slot).
    • If the class is a subclass, we will want to know its superclass.
    • To allocate objects of a class, we will have to keep track of the total space required for variables. Again, on the WC34000 all variables will take one word. Therefore, the class declaration descriptor is a good place to keep a count of how many variables we have processed.
    • We will also want to keep the count of the number of distinct method names associated with the class.
  4. As mentioned, we now need to design yet another descriptor used to hold information about the type of variables, expressions, etc. in Woolite.

Computer Science 434
Department of Computer Science
Williams College

Semantic Processing Subphase OrderingTopBlock Structure & Symbol Table Organization (cont.)Declaration Descriptor Contents