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Memory Addressing Modes

These addressing modes specify that the operand is in memory and is to be referenced relative to one of the machine's address registers.

Address Register Indirect

The operand is the word in memory whose address equals the value currently stored in the address register specified in the register sub-field. This mode is selected when the mode sub-field is 2.

Address Register Indirect with Postincrement

The operand is the word in memory whose address equals the value currently stored in the address register specified in the register sub-field. After the operand is used, the value in the address register specified is incremented by one. This mode is selected when the mode sub-field is 3.

Address Register Indirect with Predecrement

The value stored in the address register specified by the register sub-field is first decremented by one. The operand is the word in memory whose address equals the decremented value stored in the address register specified. This mode is selected when the mode sub-field is 4.

Address Register Indirect with Displacement

This addressing mode requires one extension word. The operand is the word in memory whose address is the sum of the value in the extension word and the value in the address register specificed in the register sub-field of the effective address specification. In computing the address, the value in the address register is treated as a 16-bit unsigned integer while the value in the extension word is treated as a signed integer represented using 2's complement notation. This mode is selected when the mode sub-field is 5.

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