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Appendix A: Operation Codes

Two Operand Instructions Single Operand Instructions
MOVE 0100 CLR 00100001
ADD 0101 NEG 00100010
SUB 0110 NOT 00100011
CMP 0111 OUTNUM 00100100
MULS 1000 GETNUM 00100101
DIVS 1001 OUTCH 00100110
AND 1010 GETCH 00100111
OR 1011 RTD 00101000
EOR 1100 UNLK 00101001
LEA 1101 PEA 00101010
ASL 1110 JMP 00101011
ASR 1111 JSR 00101100
BEQ 00101101
Zero Operand Instructions BGE 00110001
BLT 00101111
HALT 00000000 BLE 00110010
BNE 00101110
The LINK Instruction BGT 00110000
PSHREG 00110011
LINK 0001000 POPREG 00110100

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