Call for Papers

The Fifth International Workshop
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages


January 17-18, 1998
San Diego, USA
Preceding POPL98


Submissions: September 28, 1997
Notifications: November 10, 1997
Final versions: December 8, 1997

The search for sound foundations for object-oriented languages has driven a variety of work in the theory of programming languages during the past decade, leading to a better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented languages and to important developments in type theory, semantics, and program verification. The FOOL workshops bring together researchers to share new ideas and results.

The next workshop, FOOL 5, will be held in January, 1998, in San Diego, the two days preceding POPL98.

Submissions for this event are invited in the general area of theoretical foundations of object-oriented languages, including semantics, calculi, type theory, and program verification. We also welcome contributions on foundational issues related to concurrent and distributed object-oriented languages and database languages with object-oriented features. Since the main focus in selecting workshop contributions will be the intrinsic interest and timeliness of the work, authors are encouraged to submit (polished) descriptions of work in progress as well as papers describing completed projects.

A world-wide web page will be created and made available as an informal electronic conference proceedings. Notification of the acceptance or rejection of papers will be given by Monday, November 10, 1997. Final copies of accepted papers for the electronic proceedings will be due on December 8, 1997.

Correspondence and questions should be sent to

Submission procedure

We solicit submissions on original research not previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Extended abstracts not to exceed 2500 words (approximately 5 pages) should be submitted to the program chair by Sunday, September 28, 1997. Due to the relatively tight schedule for refereeing we will not be able to consider late submissions. Receipt of the submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. The authors should inquire in case a prompt acknowledgment is not received.

Electronic submission is preferred: documents in postscript format (US-letter size) should be e-mailed to (If electronic submission is impossible, please contact the program chair to make special arrangements.) The cover page should include a return postal address, a telephone number, and an electronic mail address if possible.

Program Chair

Didier Remy
INRIA Rocquencourt
BP 105
78153, Le Chesnay Cedex, France
Tel: +33 1 3963 5317
Fax: +33 1 3963 5684

Organizing Committee

Kim Bruce, Williams College
Benjamin Pierce, Indiana University

Program Committee

Martin Abadi, Digital, SRC
Kathleen Fisher, AT&T Labs Research
Giorgio Ghelli, University of Pisa
Martin Hofmann, Darmstadt University of Technology
Martin Odersky, University of South Australia
Didier Remy, INRIA Rocquencourt (Chair)
David N. Turner, An Teallach Limited