Final Project

CSCI 333 : Storage Systems

Spring 2021


The goal of the final project is to give us the chance to “dive deep” on a topic that we find interesting. As a secondary goal, a final project is a chance to simulate the experience of doing “real systems research”.

There are several ways that we can produce and share knowledge, and I hope that you choose the model that best fits your learning goals. For our final projects, I would like us to choose from among the following:

Here is a brief explanation of what each of those options might look like:

The final project is your chance to use the knowledge, tools, and techniques that we have developed this semester to explore a topic that interests you. Your final project should be about the size and scope of a lab/5-page paper/7-minute presentation. However you have the opportunity to define the project parameters, or you may choose to user or adapt one of the suggested projects below that fits your interests/goals.


There is not much time left in the semester, so by Saturday, May 1 at noon, you should email me a project proposal, which I will give feedback on by our conference meeting on Tuesday May 4. The final deliverables should be completed by Sunday, May 23.


Final Project

The project deliverables should be submitted on or before Sunday, May 23 at 5pm.


Final projects may be:

Sample Project Ideas

This is a non-exhaustive list of project ideas. Some of them have been inspired by topics in this course, and some of them have been projects from computer science courses elsewhere. I suggest that you use them for inspiration, even if you decide to design your own project: techniques or suggestions might be relevant.


Knowledge Synthesis/Summary of Knowledge

Straight Implementation

Data Collection