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Index of all Fields and Methods


_imaginary. Variable in class Complex
_real. Variable in class Complex


clone(). Method in class Complex
Clone procedure
Complex(). Constructor for class Complex
Default constructor creates the complex number z = (0,0)
Complex(double, double). Constructor for class Complex
Creates the complex number z = (real, imaginary)
conjugate(). Method in class Complex
For any complex number z = (a,b) the conjugate (usually denoted z-bar) is defined as (a,-b)


divide(Complex). Method in class Complex
Dividing two complex numbers z = (a,b) w = (c,d) is defined as z * w-bar / |w|^2 The |w|^2 is equivalent to w * w.conjugate() where the conjugate of w = (c,d) is defined as (c,-d) Note that multiplying by the conjugate produces a non-negative real number so that we can easily divide the real and imaginary components of the imaginary numbers.


equals(Complex). Method in class Complex
Two complex numbers are equal if and only if both their real and imaginary components are equal
equals(Object). Method in class Complex
Two complex numbers are equal if both their real and imaginary components are equal


getImaginary(). Method in class Complex
Returns the imaginary component of the complex number
getReal(). Method in class Complex
Returns the real component of the complex number


main(String[]). Static method in class Complex
Tests the Complex API
minus(Complex). Method in class Complex
Subtracting two complex numbers (a,b) (c,d) is defined as (a - c, b -d)


plus(Complex). Method in class Complex
Adding two complex numbers (a,b) (c,d) is defined as (a+c,b+d)
power(int). Method in class Complex
Return the exponant of the complex number.


times(Complex). Method in class Complex
Multiplying two complex numbers (a,b) (c,d) is defined as (a*c - b*d, a*d + b*c)
toString(). Method in class Complex
where r is the real component and i is the imaginary component