Lab 8: Auto(Complete)


In this lab we will use classes to implement a version of an algorithm that is ubiquitous on modern smart phones – autocomplete! During this lab, you’ll gain experience with the following concepts:

  • Writing classes and methods

  • Thinking through some decisions to improve efficiency of your code

The Autocomplete Algorithm

Where would the world be without decent autocomplete? Stuck in the paste? Royally skewed? Up ship creek without a poodle? Fortunately, our phones are better than that. Most of the time…

As soon as you start typing in a word, you’ll notice that it suggests some possible completions for the word based on the letters typed in so far. For example for the input auto, the phone might suggest the completions auto, automatic, automobile. Ideally, these suggestions also apply some clever rules to maximize their utility to the user – one way to ensure this is to say that the first suggestion will be the input itself if it already corresponds to a word in the dictionary, while the rest of the suggestions (including the first suggestion if the input isn’t a word in the dictionary) are presented in order of how commonly they are used in everyday speaking. We will implement this algorithm in this week’s lab.

In the last part of the lab, we’ll also consider an alternative algorithm where the user can enter a word containing “wildcard characters” that match any letter. If the user enters r***s, our algorithm will return the three most common words starting with “i”, ending with “s”, and having any three letters in between. The output here may be ranks, rooms, rules, for example. While you may not find this particular feature on a cell phone, you may appreciate its utility if you’ve ever stared at a picture like this: .

The final product will be a program that takes words or patterns to complete from the command line and generates the three best completions. (Here the bracketed numbers are how common each completion is.)

$ python3 moo cow "r***s"
moo --> mood[51] | moon[24] | moonlight[18]
cow --> coward[8] | cowboy[8] | cow[7]
r***s --> ranks[98] | rooms[86] | rules[58]

Getting Started

Before you begin, clone this week’s repository using:

where usernameA-usernameB are you and your partner’s usernames sorted alphabetically.

There are three Python files for this assignment:,, and Each will contain one class definition, as outlined below. You will also find a couple of CSV files called gutenberg.csv and miniGutenberg.csv in the data folder of your repository. Each line in these file corresponds to a word and the number of times it occurs in all of the books downloaded from Project Gutenberg. It contains 29,053 words. The miniGutenberg.csv, on the other hand, contains only five words. We’ll mostly use that version for testing and debugging purposes so you have a small file to look at to ensure your code is working as intended. We will use the full gutenberg.csv file “corpus” for determining the frequency with which words are used to order our autocomplete suggestions.

Part 1: The FreqWord Class

The FreqWord class is one of two helper classes that will make writing your autocompletion code more elegant. A FreqWord object represents one word from a corpus, as well as the number of times that word appears in the corpus. This class should contain two protected attributes to record that information: _text that stores a string and _count that stores an integer.

Your first task is to implement the following items appearing in the FreqWord class in the file:

  • The constructor __init__(self, text, count), that create a new FreqWord object with the given text and count (make sure _count is stored as an int);

  • The accessor methods getText(self) and getCount(self) that return the object’s attribute values;

  • The method __str__(self) that returns a string representing the objects attributes in a readable form; and

  • The method hasPrefix(self, prefix) that returns True if the word starts with prefix.

Here is an example of using these methods. Note the string printed by the print(w) test. Your __str__ method should return a string representing a FreqWord object using that format.

>>> from freqword import *
>>> w = FreqWord("cow", 5)
>>> w.getText()
>>> w.getCount()
>>> print(w)
>>> w.hasPrefix("co")
>>> w.hasPrefix("moo")

Once you have completed those methods and your code passes the doctests for them, write two functions that will be useful for sorting lists of FreqWords:

  • textKey(freqWord) that returns the text for a FreqWord object; and

  • countKey(freqWord) that returns the count for a FreqWord object.

Note: These functions are not part of your class definition. Although they appear in the same script, they are not indented. Thus, they should not access your object’s attributes directly but instead use your accessors. We will use these functions in AutoComplete later.

Make sure that your unit tests pass. Please add at least one new doc test for each method you implement.

There is one additional method in this class – matchesPattern – that is currently commented out. We’ll return to that method later.

Part 2: The Result Class

Our second helper class, Result, helps the autocompleter present results to the user in a readable format. This class should contain two protected attributes – _input that stores a string that the user entered for autocompletion, and _completions that stores a list of FreqWords corresponding to suggested completions.

In the Result class, implement the following methods:

  • The constructor __init__(self, inputWord, completionList) that creates an instance of Result with the given input word and list of possible completions.

  • The method __str__(self) that constructs a string representing the attributes of an instance in a readable format.

A demonstration of creating an instance of this class and printing its string representation is shown below.

>>> from result import *
>>> r = Result("the", [FreqWord("the",4), FreqWord("theirs",3), FreqWord("then",2)])
>>> print(r)
the --> the[4] | theirs[3] | then[2]

As always, make sure that your unit tests pass. Please add at least one new doc test for each method you implement.

Part 3: The AutoComplete Class

We are now ready to implement the Autocomplete class. Before starting, take a look at the contents of the class provided to you in to familiarize yourself with some of the attributes and methods.

AutoComplete has one protected attribute: _words. This is a list of FreqWord objects, sorted in alphabetical order. You will initialize this attribute in the constructor. The class also has the following methods, which you should implement and test:

  • The constructor __init__(self, corpus) : This method should take in the name of a csv file that contains word-frequency pairs on each line. It initializes the attribute _words according to the description above. (Hint: You will need to sort using a key function defined in FreqWord here. Since they are functions, you can access them directly.)

  • The __str__(self) : This method should generate a string with each FreqWord in _words on a separate line as shown below.

    >>> print(AutoComplete("data/miniGutenberg.csv"))
  • The private method _matchWords(self, criteria): This helper method takes as input a string criteria and returns a list of all FreqWord objects in _words whose text begins with that string. Take a look at the corresponding doctest in the starter code for an example of how the method works.

  • The method suggestCompletions(self, inputString): This method takes as input a string called inputString and returns an instance of the Result class, where the input corresponds to the same input provided, and the output is the top suggested autocompletions generated according to the following two step algorithm:

    1. Generate possible completions using _matchWords to find all words having inputString as a prefix.

    2. Sort the possible completions according to their frequency of occurrence (hint: you will need to sort using a key function here), and return a Result instance with output corresponding to the top 3 frequently occurring words. Note: If there are less than 3 possible completions, this list maybe shorter (possibly even empty corresponding to no possible completions).

Putting these all together you should be able to get fun outputs like the ones shown below.

>>> auto = AutoComplete('data/gutenberg.csv')
>>> print(auto.suggestCompletions('cool'))
cool --> cool[11] | cooling[4] | cooled[3]
>>> print(auto.suggestCompletions('rohit'))
rohit --> 
>>> print(auto.suggestCompletions('jeannie'))
jeannie --> 
>>> print(auto.suggestCompletions('steve'))
steve --> stevens[3] | stevenson[2] | steve[1]

Make sure that your unit tests pass. Please add at least one new doc test for each method you implement.


Doctests that have no completions: Note that there is always a space after the --> in the outputs above, even for rohit and jeannie. However, Atom likes to remove spaces at the end of lines, so even if you put the space in, it may get removed. Ugh. So… you may want to visually inspect a test case that should return no completions, but don’t worry about adding such a test as a doctest.

Testing and Running your code

  • Make sure all of your code passes the relevant doctests. While we will not check for the, you should write additional doctests for any sophisticated methods that you implement.

  • We have configured the file to use command line arguments, as we did last week. To generate autocompletions for one or more prefixes, just list them on the command line:

    $ python3 moo cow
    moo --> mood[51] | moon[24] | moonlight[18]
    cow --> coward[8] | cowboy[8] | cow[7]

Part 4: Matching Patterns Instead of Prefixes

We’ll now extend your autocompleter to allow for more general matching based on patterns. For example, computing the completions for the pattern 'c**l' will produce the three most common 4-letter words starting with c and ending the l. To do this:

  1. Uncomment and implement the matchesPattern(self, pattern) method in your FreqWord class. This method takes as input a string pattern, which contains a mix of letters and ‘wildcard characters’ denoted as '*', and returns whether or not the text of the FreqWord matches that pattern. The wildcard characters are used to denote that any letter is acceptable in the given spot where it appears. Here are a few examples:

    >>> FreqWord('contemplate', 100).matchesPattern('c***emp*at*')
    >>> FreqWord('contemplate', 100).matchesPattern('contemp**')
    >>> FreqWord('test', 100).matchesPattern('text')
    >>> FreqWord('test', 100).matchesPattern('ne*t')
  2. Modify your _matchWords(self, criteria) helper method in the AutoComplete class to handle criteria strings containing wildcards. Specifically, if criteria does not contain wildcards, _matchWords should behave exactly as before. If criteria does have wildcards, it should instead use the matchesPattern method to construct a list of all words in _words matching the pattern.

    For example, if _words is a list of FreqWord instances for the words 'call', 'cat', 'chill', 'cool' and the given pattern is 'c**l', this method should return a list containing only the instances for 'call', 'cool'. Note that chill is not returned as it consists of 5 letters rather than 4 as required by the pattern.

    Here are two additional tests you can add to suggestCompletions to test your pattern matching. You will likely wish to add several additional tests as well.

    >>> print(AutoComplete("data/miniGutenberg.csv").suggestCompletions("woo*e*"))
    woo*e* --> wooden[37] | wooded[8]
    >>> print(AutoComplete("data/gutenberg.csv").suggestCompletions("woo*e*"))
    woo*e* --> wooden[37] | woolen[15] | wooded[8]


    The Terminal has its own autocomplete that tries to match words with wildcards to filenames. So, to use command line arguments as patters, put quotes around them to tell the terminal not to process them:

    $ python3 "r***s"
    r***s --> ranks[98] | rooms[86] | rules[58]

Extra Credit

There are many ways to extend this program. Here are a few ideas:

  • Prefer prefix if it’s a complete word: Override the priority of the first element of the top ranked completions to be the input string itself if it happens to be an actual word that already exists in _words. That is, the top 3 choices in the case where inputString is a real word (and not just a prefix or expression) are (i) inputString itself (ii) The top frequency word besides inputString (iii) The second most frequent word besides inputString. (Note: there are some subtle cases – what if inputString is a complete word and also the second most frequent word?)

    Implementing this feature may break some of your doctests. Be sure to go back and fix them to ensure all tests pass.

  • _matchWords Performance: Your _matchWords method may be doing a lot more work than necessary in some cases. It is likely your initial implementation iterates over all words in _words. However, we can take advantage of that fact that _words is sorted, and stop processing words as soon as we know that all unprocessed words will not match our criteria. For example, if the provided prefix is 'ca' and _words contains ‘apple’, ‘cat’, ‘catastrophe’, ‘dog’, ‘doge’, the loop should stop executing as soon as it passes the FreqWord object for ‘catastrophe’.

    Redesign _matchWords to do that when matching prefixes. Also consider a similar way to stop early when matching patterns. That case will be somewhat more subtle.

Submitting your work

When you’re finished, commit and push your work to the server as in previous labs.

Functionality and programming style are important, just as both the content and the writing style are important when writing an essay. Make sure your variables are named well, and your use of comments, white space, and line breaks promote readability. We expect to see code that makes your logic as clear and easy to follow as possible. Python Style Guide is available on the course website to help you with stylistic decisions.

Do not forget to add, commit, and push your work as it progresses! Test your code often to simplify debugging.