Universal Decagon Sponge Tiles


Gummelt, in 1996, described a single decagon tile that covered the plane aperiodically.  These covers were in one-to-one correspondence with cartwheel covers of the Penrose’s tiling by kites and darts.  This work describes two different approaches to constructing a single structure that tiles the plane aperiodically.

The first approach involves identifying fixed points in the Robinson tiles exposed through decompositions of the cartwheel patch.  This tile results in a tiling that is dense everywhere in the plane.  The tile, however, has zero measure.

The second approach makes use of a Cantor-like construction of porous Robinson tile.  Instead of removing a fixed percentage of tiles at each stage, we remove an amount that decreases at each iteration.  This generates a structure with positive measure. A process called refilling allows us to add parts of the fractal construction back into the set in order to generate a tile that is well-mixed.

The latter technique results in tiles with non-uniform measure.  We can correct this through a bin-packing approach that attains equal distributions of points between tile colors with an arbitrary degree of accuracy.


  1. Feng Zhu, Search for the Aperiodic Tile, an undergraduate thesis, May 2002. pdf

  2. Duane A. Bailey and Feng Zhu, A Sponge-like (Almost) Universal Tile, extended abstract of above.  pdf

  3. Duane A. Bailey and Feng Zhu, A Porous Aperiodic Decagon Tile, Gathering for Gardner X, March 2012.  pdf
            Tiling Kit for G4GX, pdf.  Print on transparencies using a color printer.
            The beginnings of a tiling by porous decagons, pdf

Duane A. Bailey, Williams College
Feng Zhu, University of Southern California