CS 136 - Lecture 2

  1. OO Design
    2. Objects can model objects from world
    3. Objects have...
    4. Objects responsible for knowing how to perform actions
    5. Capabilities implemented as "methods"
    6. Properties implemented as "fields" or "instance variables"
    7. Properties can be...
    8. Interfaces provide info on publicly available methods of objects
    9. Classes are templates for objects
    10. All classes specialize Object, which has methods
    11. Sample interface
    12. Sample Class

OO Design

Objects can model objects from world:

Objects have:

Objects responsible for knowing how to perform actions:

Capabilities implemented as "methods"

Properties implemented as "fields" or "instance variables"

Properties can be:

Interfaces provide info on publicly available methods of objects

Classes are templates for objects

                new Card(Ace,Spades);
                class PinochleCard extends Card

All classes specialize Object, which has methods

    public boolean equals(Object other)
    public int hashCode()
    public String toString()
Don't need to write these in interfaces, often "override" definitions in classes.

Sample interface

// A playing card interface.  
// Advertises all the public features of a card object.

public interface CardInterface{
    // "final" is what makes them constants
    // "static" shares one copy of the value over all objects 
    // in class.  I.e., all objects get access to same copy
    // Constants
    static final int CLUBS = 0;
    static final int DIAMONDS = 1;
    static final int HEARTS = 2;
    static final int SPADES = 3;
    // No need to start with 0 as first value;  
    // they need not even be consecutive
    static final int TWO = 2;
    static final int THREE = 3;
    static final int FOUR = 4;
    static final int FIVE = 5;
    static final int SIX = 6;
    static final int SEVEN = 7;
    static final int EIGHT = 8;
    static final int NINE = 9;
    static final int TEN = 10;
    static final int JACK = 11;
    static final int QUEEN = 12;
    static final int KING = 13;
    static final int ACE = 14;

    // Methods
    int getSuit();
    int getRank();
Use interface whenever need a type for a variable. Use class when need a constructor for an object. (If no interface available can use class for type as well.)

Sample Class

// A playing card implementation
public class Card implements CardInterface
    // "protected" means other classes can't access them 
    //  (data hiding)

    // instance variables
    protected int suit;     // The suit of card: CLUBS..SPADES
    protected int rank;     // The rank of the card: TWO..ACE
    // Constructors
    // This version of the constructor does all of the work
    public Card(int theRank, int theSuit)
    // post:  Constructs a card of the given type
        suit = theSuit;
        rank = theRank;
    // This constructor merely invokes the two-argument 
    //  constructor, using "this" syntax
    public Card()
    // post:  Constructs card with value "Ace of Spades"
    // Methods
    public boolean equals(Object other)
    // pre:  other is a non-null CardInterface
    // post:  returns true iff this equals other
                CardInterface otherCard = (CardInterface) other;
                return (suit == otherCard.getSuit()) && (rank == otherCard.getRank());
    // Having this method allows Cards to be used in certain 
    // data structures. For now, just try to return different 
    // values for different cards. This returns a number in the 
    // range 0..51;  different cards yield different values
    public int hashCode()
    // post:  returns hash code for this card
        return 13*suit + rank - 2;
    public int getSuit()
    // post:  returns suit of card
        return suit;
    public int getRank()
    // post:  returns rank of card
        return rank;
    // Java provides a String class with many useful methods
    // "switch" is Java's "case" statement
    // It must end each block with "break", or else next block 
    //  is also executed
    // The "default" block is optional
    protected String getSuitString()
    // post:  returns a string representation of the suit
        String suitStr = null;
        switch (suit)
            case CLUBS:
                suitStr = "Clubs";
            case DIAMONDS:
                suitStr = "Diamonds";
            case HEARTS:
                suitStr = "Hearts";
            case SPADES:
                suitStr = "Spades";
        return suitStr; 
    protected String getRankString()
    // post:  returns a string representation of the rank
        String rankStr = null;
        switch (rank)
            case TWO:
                rankStr = "Two";
            case THREE:
                rankStr = "Three";
            case FOUR:
                rankStr = "Four";
            case FIVE:
                rankStr = "Five";
            case SIX:
                rankStr = "Six";
            case SEVEN:
                rankStr = "Seven";
            case EIGHT:
                rankStr = "Eight";
            case NINE:
                rankStr = "Nine";
            case TEN:
                rankStr = "Ten";
            case JACK:
                rankStr = "Jack";
            case QUEEN:
                rankStr = "Queen";
            case KING:
                rankStr = "King";
            case ACE:
                rankStr = "Ace";
        return rankStr; 
    // The toString method is special.  
    // It allows for automatic printing of Objects
    // Note:  + for String concatenation
    public String toString()
    // post:  returns a string representation of this card
        return getRankString() + " of " + getSuitString();

    // If a class contains a main method, 
    // that method can be run when the class is compiled
    // I always have one, which I use for testing the class
    public static void main(String args[])
    // Test Card class
        // Create some cards
        CardInterface first = new Card(THREE,DIAMONDS);
        CardInterface second = new Card();
        // Note:  ! is the negation operator
        System.out.print("These cards are ");
            System.out.print("not ");
        // Create an array of cards
        // Note syntax for array declaration
        CardInterface[] hand = new CardInterface[5];
        hand[0] = new Card(ACE,HEARTS);
        hand[1] = new Card(KING,HEARTS);
        hand[2] = new Card(QUEEN,HEARTS);
        hand[3] = new Card(JACK,HEARTS);
        hand[4] = new Card(TEN,HEARTS);
        // for loop
        // Note: declaration in for loop; 
        // ++ is the "add 1" operator
        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
            System.out.print(hand[i] + ", ");
